
The Materials Growth Facilities (MGF) is an Institutional Core Research Facility, reporting to the Research Office. We provide a research space which houses two molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) systems connected by a UHV transfer chamber. We conduct calibrations, provide and prep wafers, and offer materials growth on a III-V MBE and Chalcogenide MBE to a diverse research base. A sputtering system, focused primarily on magnetic materials, is connected to both MBEs via a UHV transfer. Check out our newest renovations here! Our research tools are available to rent for use by Faculty, Staff, and Graduate students, as well as external academic and non-academic groups. Our Epitaxy Engineer can grow a wide range of materials to requested specifications. Please contact MGF for details below.
Molecular beam epitaxy


The following calibrations are standard. Calibrations outside these standard calibrations may be the responsibility of the group needing them, warrant consideration as a collaborator, or eventually be included as a standard calibration.


  • GaAs, AlAs, and InAs growth rates
  • GaSb and AlSb growth rates
  • InGaAs lattice-matching (to InP) and growth rate
  • InAlAs lattice-matching (to InP) and growth rate
  • Silicon and beryllium doping in GaAs (generally convertible to other materials)
  • Tellurium doping in GaSb

Chalcogenide MBE

  • Bi2Se3 growth rate
  • Bi2Te3 growth rate
  • In2Se3 growth rate

Growths utilizing our wide range of additional Capabilities can be calibrated to specific user needs or performed on a “best effort” basis.

For additional details, see our MGF Procedures or contact us (below).



The MGF stocks several wafer types which are available to users at cost.

  • 2” GaAs (001-oriented, semi-insulating)
  • 2” GaAs (001-oriented, n-type)
  • 2” InP (001-oriented, semi-insulating)
  • 2” InP (001-oriented, n-type)
  • 1cm x 1cm c-plane sapphire
  • Other wafers may be used with approval


Costs are based on operational expenses for the facility and requirements to remain a federally compliant service center.

User fees are set on a per-day basis and are inclusive of source material and liquid nitrogen but exclusive of wafers. Staff-assisted days are indivisible units. Independent users can split a day amongst themselves, but full days must be reserved in all cases.


User Type

Daily Cost ($/day)



Independent (expert) internal user



Internal user (staff-assisted)



External academic user (staff-assisted)



External non-academic user (staff-assisted)





1The Epitaxy Engineer can perform sample characterization, using many of the facilities available at UD. When staff-assisted time that does not involve growth on an MBE is required, user fees are set on an hourly basis.


User Type

Cost ($/hour)

Internal user (staff-assisted)


External academic user (staff-assisted)


External non-academic user (staff-assisted)


Magnetic Sputtering


Costs are based on operational expenses for the facility and requirements to remain a federally compliant service center. MGF will consider performing service work on behalf of users at the additional service rates listed below. The instument usage fee is inclusive of standard targets, but precious metals are charged based on cost. User and service fees are set on a per-hour basis. Reservations must be made in advance.


Instrument usage cost


User Type

Cost ($/hour)

Internal user


External academic user


External non-academic user



Service Cost

User Type

Cost ($/hour)

Internal user


External academic user


External non-academic user


Contact Us

If you need further assistance or are have a specific request, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly.